Laevo Art of Living
Finding Balance In Your Life is an Art

The Art of LivingLife is an Artistic Statement

About Laevo Art
Laevo means uplifting or elevating of spirit.
Life is a journey and many times we need the support and guidance to lift us up when facing life's interruptions and the overwhelming demands from our work, studies, family and even ourselves.
On Laevo Art blog, we share about life skills, inspiration and personal experiences of some of the common tough situations in life that we often come across among ourselves or our friends. Knowing how others have dealt with those circumstances, we hope that you could draw on new inspirations to rebound and restore the emotional strength and build resilience in your own unique situation, or help support others who are in similar situations.
For those who need extra guidance, whether you are entering a period of transition, want to improve certain aspects of your life or are stuck in a rut, we offer professional therapeutic counselling and life coaching. If you are feeling overwhelmed by specific challenges or demands in life, Laevo Art hopes to guide you develop self-care skills for you to move on. For those who just want to develop and self- improve, we work collaboratively with you to re-discover the art of living.
Laevo Art hopes to encourage all of us to explore together the art of living healthily, not just physically but emotionally. After all, life is about living artfully and beautifully with a purpose and meaning.
We firmly believe that arts, be it painting, music or sculptures, is one of the most effective therapy tools in pursuing the art of living. We encourage everyone to rediscover the creativity gifts within us.